Location: Oxford, Mississippi, United States

"Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly!"

Sunday, November 05, 2006

El Presidente

So about two months ago, a crazy austrian guy called Florian came up with an idea that we should create our own fraternity/sorority for the international students. He came up with the name the awsome dudes fraternity, and so we decided to use the greek letters alpha delta for our fraternity......we took it a bit further and introduced the idea to the university.(yes, we know it sound crazy!) But, they fell for it and thought it to be a good idea to make us an official organisation affiliated with the university, on the terms that we have to write a constitution and elect a chair, vice chair, tresurer and secratary. At the moment we have about 50 members in our fraternity, which is a great number to start with. The elections was this week, and yours truly got the chair position. I hope we can take this as far as building a house for our fraternity!!

Other than that am I still fine......falling a bit for a girl.......but if you want to know more, mail me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes Bossie. jou boodskappe en foto's vreeslik geniet. Ooste wind waai vreeslik erg hier vandag (12-11-06) Ons besig om 'n hoenderpot te maak (etienne,marinda,nella en hennie & kids). Het gisteraand toe gekuier op die bokke se nederlaag teen die Iere. Ek en Hennie vandag 13 jaar getroud en kuier by Et en Marinda. Hulle huis vandag op skou. Nog geen besoekers Marinda baie bly wil nie uit Mbaai trek nie. Ons sal ook maar eers wag aangesien Adri genomineer is vir die studente raad (prefek). Hoor gister by jou ma dat jou pa die naweek op 'n mannekamp is, en dat sy so bietjie kan relax en net niks doen nie. En seker self kan kies wat om te doen hehehe. Ons is baie lief vir jou en dink so baie aan jou daar ver oor die blou water. Ons laaik jou stukkend hoor!!

5:44 AM  

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