So! I hav'nt been updating for a while because I was too busy having fun. On last thursday we decided to go out for one drink, and ended up seeing a great band that contributed "in the jungle" to the South African guys. It was a blowing insturment band, and it was awsome! Check out the photo's below. On friday it was one of the English guy's 21st birthday, and you all (or shall I say y'all) know what happens then. It was a good night. Saturday was pre-game night, and we went to a Fraternity party (only members of the fraternity and girls are alowed, but being international sure has priveleges!). There was also a nice band playing. Sunday was the highlight of the weekend. It was the first game of the football season, and people from all over America would come to Oxford to party before and after the game in the grove (area with lots of trees in the middle of campus). It was interesting to see, and the atmoshpere was great. It felt just like the movies. . . .with the cheerleaders and the band. I did not really understand any of the rules, but after a while I sort of figured it out. It's a very long game, and half time me and Didi decided to take an extended break. OleMiss won the game, so everyone was happy and cheerful after the game and we all went out to town again. There we got invited to a bon-fire party at someone's house in the woods. At first we thought it to be a bit dodgy, but then it turned out to be not too bad. Ok, so y'all think now that life here is just a party...not really I got a job and class is going really well. You have to attend every class, and if you miss more than two, they throw you out of the course! Art class is really fun, and my painting is improving. Ok, here is some photo's:The Johnson's Commons. (place where we get our free food)
Daily Paper: The Daily Mississippian.

Really awsome band!

Vera (SA girl) speaking to Gareth.

Some weird instrument.

Band walking while playing and getting back
in through the windows.

Me and Gareth.

Saturday for pre-game.

Millions at the grove.

This is only a small section!

Me and some friends.

The band, cheerleaders and flag girls.

Small part of the crowd.
I really am having fun over here. Its just that I don't think my financial situation will keep up with me, so if you have any spare change, request my bank details for the Ruan-wants-to-have-fun fund.